March 25, 2023
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GEN-Z APPRECIATION MONTH! April 2023 ***************************************** Generation Z—born between 1997 and 2012—is poised to become the most influential and impactful generation in history. Yet little is truly known about these extraordinary young people who live in the crossroads between courage and openness unlike...

The Kindness Rocks & Smiles Community Project, 2020 – 2023: A Retrospective

February 28, 2023

In 2020, John Schlimm and Megan Murphy collaborated on a three-year project titled The Kindness Rocks & Smiles Community Project. This unique partnership paired John's Participatory/Interactive Art installation THE SMILE THAT CHANGED THE WORLD (is yours) with Megan's global phenomenon The Kindness Rocks...

“The Gen-Z Time Capsule” in The Warhol’s American Alliance of Museums’ Case Study

February 9, 2023

SO COOL to see The Gen-Z Time Capsule -- a collaboration between John Schlimm and The Andy Warhol Museum -- appear in the American Alliance of Museums' groundbreaking Case Study, Rebooting the Machine: The Warhol's digital pivots show how museums can help youth during...

“Authority Magazine” Interview: “John Schlimm On How We Can Solve The Loneliness Epidemic Among Young People”

January 10, 2023

"Talk to Young People About Their Loneliness and Other Mental Health Issues — I could construct this piece of advice in hundred-foot blinking neon letters and that still would not adequately convey the importance of actually talking to young people — not lecturing,...

Podcast Tour Interview Links for “What Would Gen-Z Do?”

January 2, 2023

"John brings this generation into the light with his new book What Would Gen-Z Do?: Everything You Don't Know About Gen-Z But Should." ~ Dr. Liz Holifield, Host of 411 Teen  "Groundbreaking New Book" ~ Kevin Price, Host of Price of Business "This book...


October 8, 2022

On October 7, 2022, John Schlimm collaborated with Laughing Owl Press in Kane, PA, to debut the first 3-D version of his installation THE SMILE THAT CHANGED THE WORLD (is yours). More than 1200 folks of all ages shared and expressed their feelings...

“How to Start a Conversation with Gen-Zers” — A Top 10 Listicle By John Schlimm

October 6, 2022

". . . For those of you non-Gen-Z adults out there—parents, teachers, coaches, librarians, community leaders, and employers—who may be a little socially anxious or awkward yourself when it comes to striking up a chat with a Gen-Zer, here are ten questions to...

2022 Commencement Address at Northern Pennsylvania Regional College

May 23, 2022

Rise From There! Commencement Address By John Schlimm Northern Pennsylvania Regional College May 21, 2022 ______________________________________________________________________________        THANK YOU!        It is such an honor for me to be here today with you graduates, at this extraordinary new starting line in your lives....

“Helping Families Be Happy” Podcast Interview

February 5, 2022

[video width="720" height="720" mp4=""][/video]   🌟 I recently sat down with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly for her Helping Families Be Happy podcast to discuss The Star Jumped Over the Moon, the limitless power of our imagination, mental health, and how young...

“Raising Up The Imagination Generation” ~ An Essay By John Schlimm

January 27, 2022

Raising Up The Imagination Generation   By John Schlimm ______________________________________________________________________________   Kids born after 2012 are tagged as Generation Alpha—a term coined by Australian researchers led by Mark McCrindle to maintain, as he told The New York Times, “scientific nomenclature” in denoting the...

Recent Books

The Gen-Z Time Capsule
