Energy Times: “Keeping It Off!”
“For many people, the stumbling block to eating more weight-friendly vegetables is a lack of knowledge about the best ways to cook them. If you want to add something other than the standard baked potato or ear of corn to…
World News for Life’s Review of Grilling Vegan Style
“Schlimm’s book is devoted to vegan-friendly recipes for the grill, including small bites (grilled edamame and paprika-dusted popcorn), salads (grilled veggie pasta salad and corn with poblanos), burgers (garbanzo-herb and Mexican tortilla), marinades for tofu, tempeh, and seitan, main courses…
The Cookbook Man: “Who would have thought that vegan+grill=delicious?”
“The more you read through the recipes the more you start to think of your own take on the dishes. That’s a good thing. I like cookbooks that get your culinary juices flowing…Leading a vegan lifestyle is a commitment. It’s…
Philadelphia Daily News: “Macho, macho vegan grilling men”
“‘Yes, it is cliché how grill and ‘macho’ are synonymous in some people’s minds,’ Schlimm said in an email interview, ‘much like grill and meat have always been synonymous … until now!” Click HERE to read the full article.
Entertainment Realm: Grilling Vegan Style = “mouth-watering, creative recipes”
“When Grilling Vegan Style arrived in the mail, the mouth-watering, creative recipes instantly delighted me.” Click HERE to read the full review.
GoodVeg: “Barbecue Vegan Style”
“Not sure how to go about grilling up faux meet? Turn to John Schlimm’s new cookbook Grilling Vegan Style…” Click HERE to read the full review.
The Epi-Log on Epicurious: Grilling Vegan Style = “a summer’s worth of vegan eating…”
“With chapters devoted to tapas, tailgating, picnics, and happy hour, much of the food is party-focused, but the overall effect is a summer’s worth of vegan eating.” Click HERE to read the full review, and to find my recipes for…
Tampa Bay Times: “Cookbooks for the barbecuing griller”
“Who needs meat when there’s a farm full of veggies and fruits to toss on the grate? Lots of ideas for marinating tempeh and tofu, too.” Click HERE to read the full review.
The Unintentional Vegan: Grilling Vegan Style = “tons of great inspiration”
“The best part about this cookbook is that many of the grilling recipes can translate into campfire cooking recipes as well.” Click HERE to read the full review.
Vegansaurus: “Hey good-looking! You like to grill?…”
“John Schlimm, author of The Tipsy Vegan, has a new cookbook to teach us vegans how to grill as seriously as those meat-eaters. It’s called Grilling Vegan Style, and you totally want to own it.” Click HERE to read the full…